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i’m trying to connect a base from airtable to notion via make. i managed to do everything right but on notion, in a files & media property the file is loaded as an attachment and not as an actual file - i can’t figure out why and this way i can’t use that property as a cover in the gallery view. has anyone experienced something like this before?


It seems like the way that Airtable stores files that are uploaded to it currently does not nicely translate to Notion. If you try manually creating a database entry in Notion via Make, using the link to some file in your Airtable (e.g. if you right-click it and hit “Open Image in New Tab”), it will display just as an attachment and show no image preview. I tried the same process but with the link to an image from Unsplash, and that one displayed well. So, you’re not the only that has experienced this!

Maybe try adding an extra step in Make to upload the image to another service and use that link instead?

It seems like the way that Airtable stores files that are uploaded to it currently does not nicely translate to Notion. If you try manually creating a database entry in Notion via Make, using the link to some file in your Airtable (e.g. if you right-click it and hit “Open Image in New Tab”), it will display just as an attachment and show no image preview. I tried the same process but with the link to an image from Unsplash, and that one displayed well. So, you’re not the only that has experienced this!

Maybe try adding an extra step in Make to upload the image to another service and use that link instead?

Yes, I added a couple of modules in Make (http to get the file from airtable, and then ftp to upload it to a different server) and it’s working. Don’t love the idea to have two extra steps involved…

Not sure if you're still looking for a solution here, but you might also try Whalesync:
