Jul 11, 2021 04:40 AM
Hello! I am new to Airtable and have created my tables and have linked fields as follows:
Customer Record Table: Customer Name field links to Orders Table: Customer Name field (look up).
In the Form, I can select Customer Name but all it shows is the primary field identifier and not the customer name.
Where am I going wrong?
Jul 11, 2021 04:52 AM
Welcome to the community, @Linda_Huckle!
Unfortunately, that is a limitation of Airtable forms — they will only show the primary field.
One workaround that you can use is to change your primary field to become a formula field that displays all the different information that you would like to see.
Otherwise, you’d have to use external form tools to make this work.
You can either use the MiniExtensions form, or the combination of JotForm + On2Air Forms.
Jul 11, 2021 05:04 AM
Thanks for that info @ScottWorld - at least I’m not doing anything wrong! I’ll have a go at changing the primary field to a formula field and see if that works for me before trying out the external form tools.