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Hi there!

We have a base on the pro plan that we normally use from EU locations without any issues.

Now we are trying to use it from Canada and the browser tab where Airtable is open freezes making it impossible to work on the base.

Our tech staff has checked the issue and concluded that it is related to Airtable performance.

*Her laptop has enough specifications to work with Airtable (Intel Core i5, 16GB RAM, Windows 10, Chrome) In fact it works with Mercury, Zoiper, Slack normal, and without communications cuts. During the 5 min call, there have been no cuts, however, Airtable stayed blocked 2 times. *

Analyzing the calls the browser makes to Airtable, he sees the calls POST to are those which stayed blocked and take more than 20 secs to resolve but just happens with some of them.

Anyone experiencing similar issues?

I have been heavily using dozens upon dozens of my clients’ Airtable systems from Vancouver Canada every single day for the last 10 months daily, nonstop, nearly every waking hour of the day, without any speed problems at all. Airtable has always been extremely fast for me, without any problems at all.

I would have your user check their Internet connection speeds, and perhaps they are also using a VPN which would slow down their connection to the Internet. They might also need to restart their computer or clear their browser’s cache.

If the issue persists, then maybe there’s some problem with your specific server that your base is hosted on, in which case I would email
