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I am looking for something like page designer where I can populate variables based on fields in airtable. However, I want the output to be back to back in a single document like notepad. I don’t want to deal with physical page sizes and I don’t want each record on a different page.

Is there anything out there?

Welcome to the community, @juan_santiago!

I would check out DocuMint or On2Air: Actions, which were both specifically designed for use with Airtable.

You can also use to do advanced integrations with DocuMint or many other document creation apps.

I found using the Plumsail Documents extension to print multiple records in one document very effective. The guide on How to print multiple Airtable records on one page and include them in one document will help you set it up and includes detailed instructions on each step:

  1. Create a template and configure a document generation process in Plumsail Documents. You can use a template of any format: DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, or PDF. Also, you can choose the format of the outgoing file.
  2. Installation and configuration of the Plumsail Documents extension for document generation from Airtable.
  3. Map your Airtable data fields to the template in Plumsail Documents. Insert Airtable tokens into repeating elements like table rows or bullet points. 
  4. Generate your document with one click. This solution is user-friendly. Hope this helps!
