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I have a database connected to Jotform and one of the questions on the form is a multi-select field that captures the user’s selection and this is then pushed into Airtable multi-select field.

I need to split this field into separate columns.


Col 1: Job category 1 | Col 2: Job category 2 | Col 3: Job category 3 (Selection will be limited to 3)

I’ve tried searching for a formula or solution anywhere that would split the selection into separate columns but I can’t seem to find one that fits my goal? Is there a way to do this in Airtable or via Make (Integromat)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! And apologies if this has been posted before 🙂


you may use CONCATENATE to convert it to text, then LEFT/RIGHT/MID with FIND(“,” … and LEN() to cut text parts

Yes, you can do this in by using the Iterator tool.

A multi-select field is an array, so the iterator tool will loop through the array to give you individual outputs.
