I have three tables
- CONTRIBUTORS, with Name and other info
- ACTIVITIES, with Title and other info
- CONTRIBUTIONS, with Contributor name (lookup), Activity title (lookup) and Duration
The latter looks like
- Alan, Hackathon A, 12:00
- Melinda, Hackathon A, 10:00
- Alan, Presentation C, 4:00
Now, I would like a field Total contributions in CONTRIBUTORS that sums up the Duration of CONTRIBUTIONS per Name. 😊
This would show 16:00 for Alan, 10:00 for Melinda, etc.
I got the result in a pivot table but I need it as a table field.
I tried the following, which does not work. 🤔 🤔
Total contributions (rollup) in CONTRIBUTORS
Linked from CONTRIBUTIONS, field Duration, where Contribuor contains {Name}, aggregate SUM(values)
Thank you for your help. 🙂