Hi all,
Got a real brain teaser here (or at least one my brain can’t handle lol).
I’m trying to calculate the ACTUAL DURATION - EXPECTED DURATION of ticket processing time for our team.
The EXPECTED DURATION field is calculated:
NO OF TICKETS(integer)*5.5(mins)/2(agents)+30(mins)
-5.5mins is our average handle time for 1 ticket
-we have 2 agents on our team
-each agent receives a 30min break per day
This formula currently returns a decimal value (I have tried to set this as a duration but it’s giving incorrect results).
The ACTUAL DURATION field is calculated:
This formula returns a duration value
I am wondering if there is a way to produce this master formula to let me know when our team goes over expected time to resolve tickets and vise-versa so I don’t physically have to do the calculation every day.
Please help!