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Hello, community!

I have the Airtable base of 10 000 companies - company’s name is used as primary field. The tax unique number of companies are in other field in Integer format.

Every week in Excel format I receive many companies data with their tax numbers with important information (status of work and comments) which is not updated in Airtable. Excel file is updated periodically with actual status and comments. To integrate this file to Airtable is not possible as it is managed by other company.

How to add important information (status of work and comments) about companies from Excel to Airtable base, using common identificator (tax number)?

If I were you I’d:

  1. Import the Excel as a new table

  2. In the original table, duplicate the field that contains the unique tax number

  3. In the original table, convert the field that was just duplicated into a linked field connected to that new table mentioned in step 1

  4. In the original table, create lookup fields to pull over the data you want

  5. Convert these lookup fields to single text fields

  6. Delete the table mentioned in step 1 and the linked field
