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Disclaimer: I have no idea about integration stuff. I speak from the view point of someone that wants technology to aid me in a life where the technology hardware and softwares are a seamless experience simply helping me do things like store info, connect with people etc.

I currently use Trello for tasks and they move from category to category. Categories are To-Do, Doing, Follow-Up, Waiting, and Done.

The cards I make will be the task in short, then I will update the task with relevant information or notes.

Trying to create a maintenance/ task management base in Airtable makes me wonder if I could totally replace my Trello system since I get asked to perform tasks that are simply not related to assets in the Airtable base. Though I see how there could be great promise for having Trello cards relate to records, the categories of To-Do, Dong, Follow-Up, Waiting, and Done relate to a single choice column. The date and time information when you type up comments to the Trello cards could be used for making notes, or record maintenance entries that are linked to an asset.

Whether you link Trello and Airtable in a meaningful way or not, I think there is great design choices to glean from Trello’s implementation.

I suppose I use Trello as my ticketing system and want to use Airtable as my information and record storage system, as well as a resource. If we could integrate these in a meaningful way it would be super amazing. If one of these could fill the gap the other has and be my solution in itself that would be next level.

Hi Jason,

Not sure to entirely understand your needs, but as far as the integration between Trello and Airtable goes you might want to have a look at Zapier ( which might be an answer to your needs.


