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My office manager and myself are both owners on the same table which we use to track orders.

Sometimes it is necessary for us both to be in that base/table at the same time but be filtering for a different thing (typically customer name).

If I have it filtered for last name “Miller”, but in her workspace she needs to filter by last name “Jones”, I lose the Milers and suddenly see the Jones. This obviously doesn’t work for us!

This is the reason that I created a separate user for her–I hoped this would solve this problem. I don’t want the same view as a different user, I want the filtered view I select. We both need to be able to make changes to the table so we both have full permissions.

Hi @Katherine_Werre and welcome to the community!

Did you try making a different view per person?

  • view “Katherine”

  • view “office manager”

That way, you can both do what you want in your own view. You could even make “personal views” so that (a) they are not visible for other collaborators and (b) can’t be changed configuration wise by anyone other then yourself.

Hope this helps.
