I am encountering a problem with the pdf generated via the Gantt app. On the Mac it is no problem printing the pdf through the standard Preview app. But the generated Gantt chart is quite large, so I wanted to print it on several sheets, using Adobe software. In that way you compose one large image from different prints.
Except… that Adobe does not want to print the PDF. Whatever I try, it generates an error message. Airtable support indicates that no issues are known with printing PDF’s, and suggests contacting Adobe. I’m trying to do so, but that is another kind of challenge :winking_face:
Meanwhile: is there anybody who recognises this problem?
This is everything we tried to make even a simple print using Adobe:
Printing from Acrobat Pro DC results in an error ‘Unable to print document’ followed by an error ‘No pages selected for printing’
Putting de PDF in InDesign (16.0) for printing results in an error ‘Printing Error: Adobe print engine has failed to output your data due to an unknown problem’
Converting the PDF to a .ai in Illustrator (25.0) to try to print that in InDesign doesn’t help, InDesign encounters a printing error.
Printing from Illustrator doesn’t work, but doesn’t produce feedback either. No errors, but no print.
Converting to pixels (.psd) finally gets us a print.
Anybody to share this frustration with?