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Hi there 👋

I’m trying to create a form for a co-working space and provide a potential customer pricing based on the fields they have fields in

ie. If they have selected a specific Desk Type and Length of Stay, it provides a price in realtime, so they can send an enquiry to the Sales Team

Please see the image below for reference

I created this Packages Table to reference

Can anyone please direct me on a great way to start?

I tried doing the Link to another record? However this updates data directly in the DB, I’m trying to get it to show in the form ?

Hey Gary, unfortunately I don’t think that’s possible. (Happy to be proven wrong though!)

A possible workaround might be:

  1. For each desk type, have a single select field with the options being of the format mLength of time] - ]Cost]

  2. In the form, make the correct single select field show up based on the selection the user has made

Would be a pain to maintain though

I believe MiniExtensions has a form option that can display the results of a formula field. It does it by creating a record in the base.

However, the work involved in setting up the system might be overkill in your case. You might be better off with a shared view of rates. Your rate table isn’t that big.

Hi @Gary_Willmott!

Both @Adam_TheTimeSavingCo and @kuovonne have given you great feedback and solutions with caution for a reason.

That said, I tested a “solution” to satisfy my own curiosity and realised after returning to the thread that it’s basically what @Adam_TheTimeSavingCo suggested.

I’m in NO way saing that this is a good solution and it would be a pain to build upon and maintain in the long run just like Adam said.

You can have a look here at the form. (I only tested with 3 desk options)

And here’s the base if you want to copy and explore it.

Many thanks to Adam and Kuovonne for all your help 🙏

Especially to @momentsgoneby80 for all the effort in building out a solution, really appreciate it 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏

If you ever come to Jeffreys Bay, South Africa please let us know, we will arrange some free days at the CoWorking space -
