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CountryTable.updateRecordAsync(recordId, {

"id": 123,

"Country (dropdown)": { name: "USA" },


This is throwing an error,

Error: Field "xadlxpdzw" cannot accept the provided value.

Country (dropdown) is a Multiple Select Field.

I don’t know JavaScript, so I don’t know if the formatting of your JavaScript is correct. However, does “USA” already exist in Airtable as one of the options in your multiple select field?

I don’t know JavaScript, so I don’t know if the formatting of your JavaScript is correct. However, does “USA” already exist in Airtable as one of the options in your multiple select field?

Yes, that value exists in the Airtable as an option

Yes, that value exists in the Airtable as an option

Cool, then your JavaScript syntax is probably incorrect. Others will need to help you from here.

Cool, then your JavaScript syntax is probably incorrect. Others will need to help you from here.

Figured out,

CountryTable.updateRecordAsync(recordId, {

"id": 123,

"Country (dropdown)": [{ name: "USA" }],

