I have a task I'm trying to achieve with a script in an automation. It's an automation to run every 3rd week of a month (ideally), and to trigger a script which will find all the Wednesdays in the next month and create certain records on those dates. That part I have sussed out, but what I can't find out how to do would be to grab the data/title from the last record of the current month the automation runs on so that I can make sure the new records it creates in the following month flow on correctly.
Automation runs on 16th Jan, triggers a script to create records on every Wednesday in February, starting with a specific title relative to the last Wednesday record in January.
The script needs to find out the title of record on the last wednesday of January (which would have been the 25th) and pass that variable into some logic I'll create to determine the titles of the February entries it automates.
Hopefully this makes sense! Thanks