We currently use Air Table to enter our customers purchase orders- creating Work Orders for our warehouse. Within that **Work Order, we enter date created, due date, and any "Stations (A,B,C,D,E) that each Work Order will need to get work completed at- along with some other details not relevant to this topic.
What we need is a way utilizing Air Table to do the following-
I need EACH Work Order # to show on the schedule for every day beginning with “Date Entered” and ending with “Date Due.”
Also need each Work Order to show on the schedule as I stated above- for EACH “Station” (A,B,C,D,E) for each day beginning with “Date Entered” to “Date Due”
For example-
Work Order # 10000 entered on 5/1/2022- and due on 5/16/2022 - and will need work completed at Station A, Station D, and Station E.(For this example- assume there are 5 “Stations” A,B,C,D,E
Work Order # 10001 entered on 5/1/2022 and due on 5/31/2022- for Stations A, C
Work Order # 10002 entered on 5/2/2022 and due on 5/24/2022- Stations A, D, E
Work Order # 10003 entered on 5/2/2022 and due on 5/17/2022- Stations A, B
And so on- (We have over 600+ Work Orders active any given time)
With that data- i need Work Order # 10000 to show up on the daily schedule for Station A, Station D, and Station E for each day from May 1 (Date Entered) through May 16. (Date Due)
And the same for each Work Order that is currently “open”.
The goal is to look at each day- and identify days that we are overloaded in any particular station, with potentially completing the work order for any given station on a “lighter” day between Date Entered and Date Due.
I appreciate anyone’s assistance that can help me with this challenge.
We currently use Grid view- but am open to using any “view” that will help us with this tracking each day.