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Hi there,

Is there a way to use the Scripting Block to get a download url of the “print” button from the Page Designer block into a record?

I’m looking for a way to get the Page Designer pdf into a record. I’m only using the mobile app but I would love to download a pdf from the page designer block from a record.

I am looking into the same thing! A script export records from a page designer block and put them into an attachment feild in a record.

Me too! Or be able to export a select goup to individual PNG’s into the associated attachment field on their record.

Any luck with this? It would be hugely helpful for a project I’m working on.


Es una de las funciones que más necesitamos, el poder imprimir un bloque desde la aplicación.

Exactamente he ido investigando si pudiera encontrar un ENLACE URL que pueda obtener y convertirlo a PNG.

La cuestión es qué el bloque de Page designer es un Editor , y lo que estaría bien es que hubiese un Page designer sólo de VISUALIZACIÓN.

Creo que eso resolvería todo.
