So i noticed there is no DATE_MODIFIED function.
And i would like to keep track of when i last had a conversation with some-one.
My initial structure idea was:
[Full_Name] - Type of work - Job function - Conversation - <- this needs a date to know when last talked.
I notice that when you expand it does show a last edited date inside that. How come we cant use that data?
Since we cant.
My idea was to make a new Table
[Conversation_ID] - Full_Name (select from table#1) - Conversation - Created Time function <- I want to fetch this and put it in table #1
I cant wrap my head around how to write this in a formula. In words it would be.
- Get [Full_Name] from my current row.
- Look at table number #2 (conversations table)
- Find entries with identical [Full_Name] in this table.
- Find the latest entry from this data-set
- What is the date in this latest Row of data.
If that makes sense?
So far all i got is:
- {Full Name}
- FIND({Full Name},conversations table) – Returns a 0
- ?
- Probably gonna need the MAX(number1, ,number2, …]) Function for this.
I dont know… i feel so **** stupid…
Would love suggestions. Input on this.