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Our organization uses Google Workspace and we manage access to resources via permission groups (individual/users are added to google groups and these groups are assigned resources (shared drives, folders, files, etc.). 

Instead of associating individual email addresses with a base, I would like to associate a permission group to a base. 

Is this possible?

As far as I know, the only levels of Airtable that allows for creating groups of users and then giving them set access is the Enterprise or Business plans. If you're on either one of these, I can walk you through how to do that in the admin panel. Unfortunately, if you're on the free or team plans, there's not really a way to do this.

I’ve seen similar concerns before, and something that’s helped my team is making sure everyone goes through IT Security Awareness Training regularly. Even with strong security measures in Airtable, user habits play a huge role in keeping data safe. Training helps everyone recognize phishing attempts, risky third-party integrations, and proper data-sharing practices.
