
Re: Airpress, the Wordpress plugin (formerly named Airfields) has launched!

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I’m proud to announce the public release of Airpress, a plugin for websites!


Airpress gives you access to all your Airtable data, allowing you to create Wordpress websites that are fully integrated with your precious Airtable data. Read more on

Do you think you’ll install the Airpress plugin?

  • Nope. I’m good with Airtable
  • Nope. I don’t have a Wordpress website
  • Sure. I might give it a try sometime
  • Yes! I need to display Airtable data right now!

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69 Replies 69

It looks like it may be in issue with the LightBox. If I launched the image in the browser, the orientation is correctly displayed. I’m a noob to Wordpress but I’ve already created a decent page for a new client. I’m trying to figure out how to use Airpress to create a table that is displayed with headers and each of the Inventory items… I have been able to link to each record using the virtual posts. But I would like to display his entire inventory in a table so the user can see the thumnails and dimensions of each product in one place.

I have the following tables and fields (indented below each table) in my Airtable db…

  • Inventory
    ---- SKU
    ---- Photos
    ---- Product Name
    ---- Wood Species (linked to table below)
  • Wood Species
    ---- Wood Species

I’ve successfully mapped out each of the tables, but I do not know how to populate the data in a table. I can only get it to populate all the data in one cell (when I leave the filter by formula null). I’d like to have a row for each unique SKU.

There is now a screencast showing basic Airpress plugin usage on the plugin page or at

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Excited to try the plugin. It seems others have been able to get this to work, but I’m running into trouble…

I’m having trouble displaying a new page after I installed your plugin. Selecting view (in a new tab) only shows the page I launch from… For example, if I’m in “all pages” view and try to view a page, it shows the “all pages” view again…

When I create a new page, the permalink looks like this: Permalink: ?preview=true… After I publish, the Permalink is blank.

When I deactivate your plugin, everything works…
I even tried a clean install of wordpress… Same thing.

I’ve been using wordpress for some years, but am not an expert.

I’ve updated the plugin to resolve a bug in the permalink. Please update and try again. Let me know how it goes!

That got me past the permalinks error - thank you! I am following your youtube video, but am not retrieving records at all… I have the API key and App name… Have checked and rechecked table name and field names, etc…

I’ll keep trying.

**Update: I got it to work. It turns out the field name had an errant space in it…

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Ist there a possibility to create an index-page if parameter is not set? I would like to create an address list and I miss the feature to create an index with list of all records.

I have successfully created the virtual post for each record, but now I stuck on creating the list overview.


Out of respect for the Airtable community, and to benefit any other plugin users who might share your question, let’s move this discussion to the Wordpress plugin support page:

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hello Chester,
This is an awesome plugin. Thanks for this plugin. I have data in single base with multiple tables. Now, I have to retrieve the data from different tables which are in the same base. Can you help me through this. I’m getting data in my website using airpress plugin, when there is single base and single table.(i.e., One airtable connection and one virtual field config.) Similarly how to fetch data from multiple table. Whether I have to create many virtual fields in wordpress for each table. Help me through this. Thanks in advance for your solution.

Deepak -

I assume you’re talking about data from multiple tables that are somehow related. If so, you’ll want to use the [apr_populate] shortcode to load data from linked records. Chester gives some examples in the ‘screenshots’ section of the Airpress page. It’s hard to give explicit examples without knowing more about your implementation – but if you would like to PM me with more details, I’ll be happy to share what I’ve learned so far working with Airpress.


6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

@Chester_McLaughlin not sure how we have only just discovered this, the plugin looks great and could massively help us. we currently export loads of table data out of airtable and into tablepress manually to get it into wordpress posts. really looking forward to trying this out over the next week or so. thanks.