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I’m proud to announce the public release of Airpress, a plugin for websites!

Airpress gives you access to all your Airtable data, allowing you to create Wordpress websites that are fully integrated with your precious Airtable data. Read more on

Do you think you’ll install the Airpress plugin?

  • Nope. I’m good with Airtable

  • Nope. I don’t have a Wordpress website

  • Sure. I might give it a try sometime

  • Yes! I need to display Airtable data right now!


Ist there a possibility to create an index-page if parameter is not set? I would like to create an address list and I miss the feature to create an index with list of all records.

I have successfully created the virtual post for each record, but now I stuck on creating the list overview.


Out of respect for the Airtable community, and to benefit any other plugin users who might share your question, let’s move this discussion to the Wordpress plugin support page:

Hello Chester,

This is an awesome plugin. Thanks for this plugin. I have data in single base with multiple tables. Now, I have to retrieve the data from different tables which are in the same base. Can you help me through this. I’m getting data in my website using airpress plugin, when there is single base and single table.(i.e., One airtable connection and one virtual field config.) Similarly how to fetch data from multiple table. Whether I have to create many virtual fields in wordpress for each table. Help me through this. Thanks in advance for your solution.

Hello Chester,

This is an awesome plugin. Thanks for this plugin. I have data in single base with multiple tables. Now, I have to retrieve the data from different tables which are in the same base. Can you help me through this. I’m getting data in my website using airpress plugin, when there is single base and single table.(i.e., One airtable connection and one virtual field config.) Similarly how to fetch data from multiple table. Whether I have to create many virtual fields in wordpress for each table. Help me through this. Thanks in advance for your solution.

Deepak -

I assume you’re talking about data from multiple tables that are somehow related. If so, you’ll want to use the shortcode to load data from linked records. Chester gives some examples in the ‘screenshots’ section of the Airpress page. It’s hard to give explicit examples without knowing more about your implementation – but if you would like to PM me with more details, I’ll be happy to share what I’ve learned so far working with Airpress.


@Chester_McLaughlin not sure how we have only just discovered this, the plugin looks great and could massively help us. we currently export loads of table data out of airtable and into tablepress manually to get it into wordpress posts. really looking forward to trying this out over the next week or so. thanks.

@Chester_McLaughlin not sure how we have only just discovered this, the plugin looks great and could massively help us. we currently export loads of table data out of airtable and into tablepress manually to get it into wordpress posts. really looking forward to trying this out over the next week or so. thanks.

Cool! Be sure to post support requests to

Setting up the regular expressions can be tricky, so feel free to post a couple sample URLs and what tables/columns you want data to be pulled from on the URLs and I can help you get it setup.

great thanks Chester, will do.

Hey Chester…I’d love for you to join the Airtable for Web Professionals Facebook group. It would be the perfect place to increase the usage for your plugin.

Hey Chester…I’d love for you to join the Airtable for Web Professionals Facebook group. It would be the perfect place to increase the usage for your plugin.

Hi, Amy -

Of course this blocks us non-facebook users from seeing what is being talked about. I already have plenty of sites mining my data. I wonder if it would be possible to post a digest of facebook entries somewhere in this thread or discussion group.

Hi, Amy -

Of course this blocks us non-facebook users from seeing what is being talked about. I already have plenty of sites mining my data. I wonder if it would be possible to post a digest of facebook entries somewhere in this thread or discussion group.

Hi Roger,

I respect your position. However, I disagree with your use of the term

"blocks" non Facebook users.

Inviting Chester to join a group of web professionals looking to learn more

about how Airtable can help them seems appropriate considering his plugin

is for WordPress.

I created that Facebook group based on a discussion in another highly

respected members only group. If the audience lives and breathes in a

Facebook group, then that’s where I shall grow it.

You have an open invitation to join at any time if you ever change your



Can I use this API to be able to have users modify air table records from a wordpress site?

Cross-posting here because the WP support forum for the plug-in is nonresponsive…

I watched the videos, read everything in the forums, etc. but just can’t seem to get this to work.

Points of confusion:

• Airtable Field to be used as post_name: my-list-of-furniture.

Is that a field from Airtable?

• Airtable Field to be used as post_name: should-be-a-slug-field

It’s creating pages whose slug is the record_id from Airtable, right? And the page template points to my-list/records_id; BUT then the virtual post refers to post_name as slug field and uses that as the test URL? BUT it filters by record_id to find records, and that’s how it creates page?

Very confused – but feel someone could hopefully point out some obvious misunderstanding I have!


Cross-posting here because the WP support forum for the plug-in is nonresponsive…

I watched the videos, read everything in the forums, etc. but just can’t seem to get this to work.

Points of confusion:

• Airtable Field to be used as post_name: my-list-of-furniture.

Is that a field from Airtable?

• Airtable Field to be used as post_name: should-be-a-slug-field

It’s creating pages whose slug is the record_id from Airtable, right? And the page template points to my-list/records_id; BUT then the virtual post refers to post_name as slug field and uses that as the test URL? BUT it filters by record_id to find records, and that’s how it creates page?

Very confused – but feel someone could hopefully point out some obvious misunderstanding I have!


What helped me a lot was loading the Airtable Restaurants example base in my workspace, taking Chester’s pages from the Airpress site, and getting them to work. It wasn’t until I stepped through that exercise that Airpress’s structure started making sense. Of course, it’s been more than a year since I worked with it, so I’ll probably have to do that again when I go back to using it…

What helped me a lot was loading the Airtable Restaurants example base in my workspace, taking Chester’s pages from the Airpress site, and getting them to work. It wasn’t until I stepped through that exercise that Airpress’s structure started making sense. Of course, it’s been more than a year since I worked with it, so I’ll probably have to do that again when I go back to using it…

Thanks. I did manage to get it working!

Now, here’s a php question that I’m hoping is simple to answer… How do you display the contents of an array inside foreach? echo only displays values if the field is not linked to another table. In this case, “Author” is an array. I can display the “Title”, which links to “Link”, but “Author” just returns the text, “Array.” Any help would be so appreciated – php newbie here!

$query = new AirpressQuery();
$query->addFilter("{Source}='Film Journals'");

$events = new AirpressCollection($query);

foreach ($events as $pubitems) {
echo '<li>' . '<a href=' . $pubitems'"Link"] . '</a>' . $pubitemsi"Title"] . '</a>' . ": " . $pubitemsi"Author"] . '</li>';

Thanks. I did manage to get it working!

Now, here’s a php question that I’m hoping is simple to answer… How do you display the contents of an array inside foreach? echo only displays values if the field is not linked to another table. In this case, “Author” is an array. I can display the “Title”, which links to “Link”, but “Author” just returns the text, “Array.” Any help would be so appreciated – php newbie here!

$query = new AirpressQuery();
$query->addFilter("{Source}='Film Journals'");

$events = new AirpressCollection($query);

foreach ($events as $pubitems) {
echo '<li>' . '<a href=' . $pubitems "Link"] . '</a>' . $pubitems]"Title"] . '</a>' . ": " . $pubitemst"Author"] . '</li>';

Hey I’m not really a programmer as such but usually if you’re trying to print something and it gives you “Array”, that means you might be able to output something from within the array like so:


This is not tested code at all so play around with it. In essence it’s trying to call the first indexed item inside the array. Which might be an ID, or a first name, or something else. If it’s not what you want, try 1], and so on.

Hope this helps!

@Chester_McLaughlin & thread fyi we added Airpress to resource directory here: - good work!

So, my clients’ site just let me install Airpress! Looks like you got sufficiently “popular” 🙂

Is there any way to add a featured image using the airpress shortcodes?

Coming soon! In the meantime, if you can share or private message me screenshots of your virtual post or virtual fields configuration screens that would be helpful.

Hi Chester, is it possible with this plugin to get data from a Form and create a record??

Thanks in advance

Hi Chester, is it possible with this plugin to get data from a Form and create a record??

Thanks in advance

Hello @cesar_nates, best way would probably be to integrate Airtable Form directly in your WordPress page.

Otherwise, if you are willing to use a WordPress Contact Form plugin, the try to find a Form plugin that has an integration with Zapier or Integromat and connect it to Airtable that way.

Will probably be easier that use AirPress for that task. (even if I really like AirPress for lots of other tasks :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: )


Hello @cesar_nates, best way would probably be to integrate Airtable Form directly in your WordPress page.

Otherwise, if you are willing to use a WordPress Contact Form plugin, the try to find a Form plugin that has an integration with Zapier or Integromat and connect it to Airtable that way.

Will probably be easier that use AirPress for that task. (even if I really like AirPress for lots of other tasks :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: )


I would use a Webhook to notify an Airtable automation.

Hi @Chester_McLaughlin I’m just wondering, since the plugin hasn’t been updated in quite a while (not officially tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress, even though I can testify it still works with recent wp versions), are you planning on maintaining this plugin?

Or should I/we start thinking about forking this project?

Thanks in advance, and also a big thanks for what this plugin has meant so far – a lot!

Hi @Chester_McLaughlin I’m just wondering, since the plugin hasn’t been updated in quite a while (not officially tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress, even though I can testify it still works with recent wp versions), are you planning on maintaining this plugin?

Or should I/we start thinking about forking this project?

Thanks in advance, and also a big thanks for what this plugin has meant so far – a lot!

For all those who are interested, someone has opened up a topic on the Airpress plugin page stating he’d we willing to take up maintenance and open it up for community involvement: Security Update |

He has already forked it on Github and fixed a security issue: GitHub - Basicbydesign/airpress

I advise everyone to go check it out and start using this version!

And everyone who’d like to be involved in the maintenance is very welcome to leave a message through the plugin page or Github. It would be great for this plugin to have multiple contributors (unless @Chester_McLaughlin revives – I hope he’s doing well) 🙂

Hi there,

As I already posted on the AirPress support, we decided to develop a new plugin to link WordPress & Airtable. We worked hard to try to be as good as this one.

Thanks @Tom_Keysers for your message and your work on the fork ! 🙂

For now, we focused on Add-ons for Gravity Forms and Contact Form 7 but our plugin “Airtable WP Synch” will be available very soon. 🙂

We hoped as well to release several add-ons to connect Airtable with others WordPress plugins forms such as JetPack or Ninja Forms.

Please go here to be notified :

Thanks !

Hmm looks like Airpress is no longer available for download - it’s been removed from the Wordpress plugin catalogue since April 22nd 2022 😦

source: Airpress – WordPress plugin |

Any thoughts of a revival @Chester_McLaughlin ?

Yes. At minimum basic security updates and testing with latest wordpress so that it stays afloat. I’m working to carve out the time to make that happen. When I released this as my first open source project I didn’t count the cost of ongoing maintenance and support and I have obviously struggled with that.
