I have been building TaskRobin to help Airtable users to save emails to Airtable. Now with new features to craft your very own custom and smart CRM in Airtable!
Add the official TaskRobin Airtable extension to your base
You can now automatically track and update all your email contacts to a separate contacts table. New contacts will be automatically added to this table with name, email address and first contacted date. Then, your last interaction date will automatically be updated whenever you save or log an email with these contacts in them.
Here's a step by step guide to build your own Airtable CRM with TaskRobin.
If you are not familiar with TaskRobin yet, it is an Airtable extension to save your emails to Airtable with a simple forward.
You can now save emails to Airtable with a simple forward, while capturing all the important meta data such as subject, sender, attachment files for filtering.
Thanks to the awesome Airtable community members who have tried TaskRobin and gave your valuable feedback so far. Please let me know if you have any feedback!