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Something sooooo wierd is happening to me that is driving me crazy

I am trying to compare a date with today. Easy task aparently. (anyway working on dates is never easy to me)

Look what is going on:

Two date fields created

Date 1 is TODAY

Date 2, the date of a free class at my school

Now i created two testing formulas

And testing 2. Just substituting Date 1 field by today()


So both formulas are supposed to give the same output, but....

OMG!!! no idea about what is happening! Any help please!


"Date 2" seems to be recognized as a string.




to parse it correctly would fix the problem.

Oh! so clever attemp, thaaaanks, but it is not working neither. CG is a date so this formula returns an ERROR



Oh! so clever attemp, thaaaanks, but it is not working neither. CG is a date so this formula returns an ERROR



Airtable has a set of functions to handle dates (since it doesn't treat them as Excel would, as date-based numbers). In this case, you can use IS_BEFORE({Date of free class}, TODAY()).
