So, I have been trying to find a way to make weekly recurring tasks, and have figured something that works for me.
Basically, just a complicated formula that updates the due date field each week to the same day of the week and time of day.
- Make a table that will act as a template for new tasks. This Post got me started.
- Make a date field, with the time, that will set the time you want to be your due date each week.
- Use this formula below, to make a separate field that will update to that day and time, each week, automatically. (You will need to edit the time zone to match where you are.)
DATETIME_FORMAT(SET_TIMEZONE(DATETIME_PARSE(CONCATENATE(DATETIME_FORMAT(NOW(),‘ww’)," “, DATETIME_FORMAT({due time of week}, ‘ddd’),” ", DATETIME_FORMAT({due time of week}, ‘LT’)),‘ww,ddd,LT’),‘Asia/Bangkok’),‘D/M/YYYY h:mma’)
- Then have Zapier trigger each week, and use that new date field as the date when creating the new records.
Optionally, you could have the zap find and reset the due date of the task, and mark it as unfinished, instead of creating a new one.