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I made this script which allows you to compare two lists based off a field value, then modify a checkbox when matches are found.

My use case example:

  • I create a custom list of contacts to email about a product by selecting a checkbox next to who I want to send to.

  • I save this list of contacts as a view in Airtable by filtering where contacts have a ticked checkbox.

  • I make another list of contacts to email about yet another product, however, I want to make sure that I’m not sending this to the previous contacts and their companies I sent to previously.

In this case the script works as such:

  • Table is my database

  • Reference view is my first contact list view

  • View to Modify is the second list I want to compare to the first

  • Match field is the ‘Company’ field (string in airtable) - this could be anything

  • Field to modify is the checkbox which is ticked for my second view

  • Set cell as ‘unticked’ to remove the companies I have already contacted

You can use this script to do anything however, essentially it compares two views, and where there is matches modifies a checkbox to be ticked or unticked.



output.markdown("### Compare Lists and Set Value");

// get the table name

output.markdown("### Select the Table");

let sourceTable = await input.tableAsync("Pick the table:");

let sourceTableName =;

// prompt the user to pick a view:

output.markdown("### View to Reference");

let sublistView = await input.viewAsync("Select the view to reference", sourceTable);

let sublistViewName =;

let sublist = sourceTable.getView(sublistViewName);

let sublistRec = await sublist.selectRecordsAsync();

// prompt the user to pick a view:

output.markdown("### View to Modify");

let sourceView = await input.viewAsync("Pick a view to modify", sourceTable);

let sourceViewName =;

let sourcelist = sourceTable.getView(sourceViewName);

let sourcelistRec = await sourcelist.selectRecordsAsync();

// get the source field name

output.markdown("### Match Field");

let sourceField = await input.fieldAsync("Pick which field to reference:",;

let sourceFieldName =;

//choose checkbox to modify

output.markdown("### Field to Modify");

let modifyField = await input.fieldAsync("Pick which field to modify:",;

let modifyFieldName =;

//choose cell value

output.markdown("### Set Cell Value");

let setcell = await input.buttonsAsync(

'Set the cell value',


{label: '✅ ', value: true},

{label: ' ', value: false}



//build the sublist array to match sourcelist against

let subArray = ];

for (let record of sublistRec.records) {



//compare sublist to sourcelist and preform action on sourcelist

for (let record of sourcelistRec.records) {

if (subArray.includes(record.getCellValueAsString(sourceFieldName))) {

await sourceTable.updateRecordAsync(record, {

>modifyFieldName]: setcell,});



Welcome to the community, @Nikita_Miltiadou! :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: Thanks for sharing your script! I moved the post to the “Show and Tell” category, as that’s a more appropriate place for sharing solutions with the community.
