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Heya Community! 👋

A little while back I did a show and tell about BuiltOnAir, a podcast and website we created to bring together and highlight people building amazing things with Airtable. Some of you reading this have probably already been featured as a guest on the podcast, a service provider/product maker in the Airtable resources section, or a guest poster on the blog. We plan to keep featuring more in the future, but that’s not why I’m posting this…

Airtable Universe metrics every month?!

One of the most popular aspects of BuiltOnAir has been the Universe Metrics, where we post all the new creators and bases in Airtable Universe each month. We also list the top 10 creators with new followers, and top 10 bases with new copies or likes (screenshot below).

It’s been super fun for us to see what’s happening in Airtable Universe and find all the useful bases shared there each month, and hope it’s a valuable tool for you also!

You can check out the Universe Metrics here. I plan to update or comment on this thread with new metrics each month, so let me know in the comments how you like it 💡

As promised, April Monthly Metrics are live and you can see them here.

We also try to do an “editor’s review” of sorts to highlight some of the bases and creators in the Airtable Universe we find in the metrics. You can see the April review here - featuring our very own @W_Vann_Hall! :hugs:

We’ve got the May Airtable Universe metrics up! Check them out here.

The “editor’s review” is live here also. This month features a pretty in-depth base for making skincare products, of all things. Thanks @Filipa_Didier for making it!

Thought I shared this but it didn’t post. 🤔

Here’s June’s metrics for your enjoyment! Some crazy trends with digital content management going on with the most popular bases last month. We did our review of last month’s metrics for the most interesting finds.

July’s metrics are up! A lot of great creative work going on last month, including bases for everything from tracking a yarn collection to a game of rock, paper scissors built entirely in Airtable. ✂ @bdelanghe kudos for being featured in our review!

Wow, September already?! Time for another month of Universe metrics I guess :partying_face:

Here are August’s metrics! We also did a concise review of our favorite highlights from last month, if you’d like to check that out here. let me know if you’ve got anything to add, and as always, enjoy!

It’s spooktober/octoberfest time 🍂 , and that means September’s metrics are up! Enjoy a few favorites from the metrics here also, and have another great month

Wow, September already?! Time for another month of Universe metrics I guess :partying_face:

Here are August’s metrics! We also did a concise review of our favorite highlights from last month, if you’d like to check that out here. let me know if you’ve got anything to add, and as always, enjoy!

Thanks for putting this together @Nat! Proud to see my two bases featured this month 🙌 (Expedia + Design Standup).

Hello Airtable Community!

I wanted to introduce myself 👋 , I’m Jordan and part of the BuiltOnAir team! I’m so excited to be diving into all things airtable and look forward to getting to know all of you.

I’m bringing you October’s Monthly Metrics Review as well as our Editor’s Picks and Highlights.

Let us know what your favorites are!

Hello Again AT Community!

I’m back to bring you November’s Monthly Metrics Review and our Editor’s Picks and Highlights. Again, we have another great month packed full of airtable awesomeness! :star_struck:

Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think!

Wow! I can’t believe we are already in a new year!

Here to bring you the last month of metrics for 2019! :partying_face: Check out December’s Monthly Metrics and our Editor’s Picks and Highlights.

We had a blast going through all of these in 2019 and look forward to a great year ahead!

Let us know what you think about the metrics and the editor’s review!

Hi AT Community! 👋

I’ve got our first Monthly Metrics of the year for you! :star_struck:

Here is the January 2020 Monthly Metrics and our Editor’s Picks and Highlights.

We can’t wait to see what this new year brings us in the Airtable Community. Let us know your thoughts on this months metrics and review.

Hello Airtable Community!

I’m back to bring you February’s Monthly Metrics and our Editor’s Review.

Check out the February 2020 Monthly Metrics & our Editor’s Picks and Highlights. Let us know what your favorites are!

We love seeing all the creative use cases fellow Airtable users are utilizing the platform for. Can’t wait to see next month!

Hello Airtable Community!

I’m back to bring you February’s Monthly Metrics and our Editor’s Review.

Check out the February 2020 Monthly Metrics & our Editor’s Picks and Highlights. Let us know what your favorites are!

We love seeing all the creative use cases fellow Airtable users are utilizing the platform for. Can’t wait to see next month!

Thank you, Jordan! It made my day to be Editor’s Pick of the month!

Hi Airtable Community! 👋 I can’t believe it is already April!

I’m back this month to bring you March’s Monthly Metrics and our Editor’s Picks and Highlights. March was another awesome month full of great users and bases.

Take a look and let us know your favorite highlights and bases from last month. Can’t wait to see what is in store for next month.

Happy May Airtable Community!

I’m here to bring you the April 2020 Metrics and our Editor’s Picks and Highlights for last month. :star_struck:

Again, we had another fantastic month of creative use cases from all the amazing Airtable users out there. Check it for yourself and let us know your favorite highlight!

Hello Airtable Community!

I’m back to bring you BuiltOnAir’s May 2020 Metrics and our Editor’s Picks and Highlights.

May was filled with new creators and bases and we loved seeing all of it! 😍

Take a look at the metrics and let us know your favorite highlights from last month!

I’m back again Airtable Community! 👋 I can’t believe it’s July already!

I’m here to bring you the June Metrics and our Editor’s Picks and Highlights.

Take a look and let us know your thoughts on last month’s metrics.

Hey Airtable Community! 👋 It’s a new month and you know what that means!

Go check out the July Metrics and our Editor’s Picks and Highlights.

Take a look at what these amazing creators built and let us know what highlight you plan on using!

Howdy Airtable Community! I hope everyone had a great August!

Go check out the August Metrics and our Editor’s Pick and Highlights.

You all really out did yourselves last month, I can’t wait to see what you create this September!

Hey Airtable Community! I can’t believe it’s already September!

I’m back to bring the September Metrics and out Editor’s Pick and Highlights.

It was another fantastic month full of creativity! :star_struck: Make sure you go check it out!

Happy November everyone! 😀

Every month you guys manage to impress me with your awesome Airtable skills!

Go check out the October Metrics and our Editor’s Pick and Highlights to see what users created last month!

December already?

You all know what that means, the November Metrics and our Editor’s Pick and Highlights are out!

I loved seeing what was created last month and all the interaction between bases! :star_struck: Keep up the good work everyone!

December already?

You all know what that means, the November Metrics and our Editor’s Pick and Highlights are out!

I loved seeing what was created last month and all the interaction between bases! :star_struck: Keep up the good work everyone!

March Metrics and our Editor’s Pick and Highlights are published!

Go check them out and get inspiration for your next project! 😀
