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Count Items Based on Color-Code Option in Multi-Select


I have a list of names under a multi-select. Everyone in Blue is a FT staff member, everyone in yellow is a contracted worker. I want a count field (or formula field) that will automatically count all the Blue multiple select to give me the total number of FT workers, and another field to count the Yellow multiple selects for the total amount of contract workers. Is this possible? 



6 replies


Yes, but you'd need a script for this I'm afraid


There's likely a work around for this. Though, it may be quite cluncky.

You could use a "Switch" formula to output the category for each of the single select options. Then use that field to do your calculations.

  • Employee
  • 272 replies
  • April 23, 2024

At some point you must have put each FT in a blue select and each contractor in a yellow select. If you are doing this manually, why not do it to a different field which has the values FTE and Contractor in them?

  • Author
  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • April 23, 2024
Sistema_Aotearo wrote:

There's likely a work around for this. Though, it may be quite cluncky.

You could use a "Switch" formula to output the category for each of the single select options. Then use that field to do your calculations.

Hmm. I'm not much of a coder. Would you explain? 

  • Author
  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • April 23, 2024
Dan_Montoya wrote:

At some point you must have put each FT in a blue select and each contractor in a yellow select. If you are doing this manually, why not do it to a different field which has the values FTE and Contractor in them?

What would be the best way to do that? Like in the different field and link the records together? 

  • Employee
  • 272 replies
  • April 23, 2024

Here is a nocode solution to count the number of faculty and staff I put together a few months back.  You can use this model to count your FTE and CW.  You can copy the base to your workspace to practice with it.
