I am trying to build a formula but I haven’t quite found the solution in the community.
I have a table with different customers information, with fields such as “name”, “surname”, “email”, “phone”, “company”…
I would like to create a separate table in which I can count how many customers I have from the same company.
So let’s say I have:
Table 1:
customer 1 — Company A
customer 2 — Company A
customer 3 — Company B
customer 4 — Company C
customer 5 — Company C
customer 6 — Company C
In table 2, I would need to show:
Company A — 2
Company B — 1
Company C — 3
I have the company field built as “single select”, since I work with a limited and specific list of companies. Not sure this makes any difference in terms of formulas.
Thanks a lot in advance!