I’m creating a base of videos from youtube.
I have an attachment column in my base and I want to put there video thumbnail.
All thumbnails have the same link but with different ID.
For example:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAl9SayLzTE
ID: pAl9SayLzTE
Thumbnail link: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pAl9SayLzTE/maxresdefault.jpg
- Is there a formula that will create a link to thumbnail with a known ID from another cell?
So I need some formula that will insert ID in a template
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XXXXXXX/maxresdefault.jpg instead of XXXXXXX
How can I insert the result of this formula in the Attachment field?
Can I somehow receive other info about a video by the link or video ID? (I understand that is another question and big topic, but maybe you have some useful links to read)