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Formula to receive youtube thumbnail from video ID


I’m creating a base of videos from youtube.

I have an attachment column in my base and I want to put there video thumbnail.

All thumbnails have the same link but with different ID.

For example:


ID: pAl9SayLzTE

Thumbnail link:


  1. Is there a formula that will create a link to thumbnail with a known ID from another cell?

    So I need some formula that will insert ID in a template instead of XXXXXXX

  1. How can I insert the result of this formula in the Attachment field?

  2. Can I somehow receive other info about a video by the link or video ID? (I understand that is another question and big topic, but maybe you have some useful links to read)


3 replies

So, I found myself formula

REPLACE(“”, 24, 1, ID)

But know I can’t find a solution for question №2.

How I can use link from the field Link To Thumbnail and insert in the field Attachement?

  • Brainy
  • 8705 replies
  • June 21, 2020
Nikita_Sidorenk wrote:

So, I found myself formula

REPLACE(“”, 24, 1, ID)

But know I can’t find a solution for question №2.

How I can use link from the field Link To Thumbnail and insert in the field Attachement?

For #2, check out this amazing extension which does exactly what you need:

For #3, my guess is that you can do this with the YouTube API via a JavaScript using Airtable’s scripting block, but I’m not 100% sure.

  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • February 2, 2023

The default thumbnail image for a YouTube video can be obtained using the following URL format: <video_id>/maxresdefault.jpg

Replace <video_id> with the actual ID of the YouTube video.

For example, if the video ID is "ABCDEFGHIJK", the URL for the default thumbnail image would be: 

Further: you can obtain thumbnails direct without any difficulty, use this Youtube Thumbnail Downloader Online HD

Reference: youtube video URL
