Porting something from Google Sheets for the relational goodness, but having trouble wrapping my head around this… don’t even have a formula to troubleshoot, sorry.
I have a table called Legislators. Each record is a person.
I have a table called Legislation. Each record is a bill.
Each bill record has a linked field to Legislators, and contains the uniqueid of each Legislator who voted for the bill. Each bill also has a year, say ‘2020’. There are multiple bills per year in this table, and multiple years worth of bills.
Now, in the Legislators table, I wish to have a field that indicates how many times this Legislators voted for any bill in 2020. I just want a number. That number is the number of times this Legislator’s uniqueid shows up in the voted for field of every bill in 2020.
In Sheets, I use their SQL equivalent search. I started investigating wacky IF statements here, but I just don’t think that’s going to cut it.
Thank you.