So when I first built this IF statement, it brought back “Drabble” correctly when the Word Count was 100 words:
IF({Word Count}=100,“Drabble”,IF({Word Count}=200,“Double Drabble”,IF({Word Count}>39999,“Novel”,IF(AND({Word Count}>17499,{Word Count}<40000),“Novella”,IF(AND({Word Count}>7499,{Word Count}<17500),“Novelette”,IF(AND({Word Count}>1000,{Word Count}<7500),“Short Story”,“Ficlet”))))))
Word Count was using the formula provided by airtable help (which is bunk), that is
IF({Text}=BLANK(), 0, LEN({Text}) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Text}, ’ ', ‘’))+1)
When I pasted in a long text that I already knew was 200 words and it brought back 185, I knew I was in trouble.
Long story short, it turns out that word count formula in the official help counts the number of spaces and only works if you limit yourself to a single paragraph.
Now I have the Space Within Paragraph Count field:
IF({Text}=BLANK(), 0, LEN({Text}) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE({Text}, ’ ', ‘’))+1)
And the Paragraph Count field:
And the Checked for Single-Word Paragraphs? checkbox field.
And the new {Word Count} formula field looks like this:
IF({Checked for Single-Word Paragraphs?}=BLANK(),BLANK(),{Space Within Paragraph Count}+{Paragraph Count})
But when this correctly results in 100, the original formula for story type no longer brings back “Drabble”, even though it is 100, which I double checked by updating the formula to {Word Count}-2, which brought back 98.
I don’t know how to get the original formula working again. Help!