Hello everybody, heavy airtable user here.
While developing the production+ecommerce+shipping tool for my company, I started to crash repeatedly against the microsoft integration walls. Basically there isn’t any integration to push/pull data from airtable to MFlow.
The only solution is using third parties integrators like Zapier. As crazy as it’s sound, microsoft don’t provide this integration inside the Microsoft Flow integrator.
This is also very condensed in a post on their forum which is 4 years old now, with people still asking for it: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Power-Automate-Ideas/Airtable-Connector/idc-p/598121#M21464
I hope that maybe some pushing from Airtable itself could work, ending in a long awaited integration, as many of us end up with some company using microsoft soon or later…
Hope somebody can answer on this!