Hi All,
I’m wondering what is the best way to calculate some basic counts on a table via the API. We need to calculate simple counts such as total records with a Status of “Fulfilled” and total records where Status is “Fulfilled” with where the Fulfilled Date is today (see excerpt below). I’ve written a Node Twilio function to retrieve the records and then loop through them and calculate which ones meet the criteria. We then use Zapier to retrieve this output from Twilio and put it into our Slack channel daily. However, as the table grows over 30,000 records, I’m running over the 10 second execution limit in Twilio. Is there a better way, or should I look for a different place to host my function not subject to the 10 second limit?
let metrics = {
matchedToday: 0,
fulfilledToday: 0,
fulfilledTotal: 0,
base("Master Intake")
fields: ["Status", "# to feed", "Created Date", "Fulfilled Date"],
cellFormat: "string",
timeZone: "America/Los_Angeles",
filterByFormula: '{Status} = "Fulfilled"',
userLocale: "en-us",
.all((err, records) => {
if (err) {
records.forEach((x) => {
let record = x.fields;
let createdDate = record["Created Date"] ? record["Created Date"].substr(0, 10) : null;
let fulfilledDate = record["Fulfilled Date"] ? record["Fulfilled Date"].substr(0, 10) : null;
// If the '# to feed' record is empty, we don't have anything to count, so skip it
if (!record["# to feed"]) {
// Matched Today
if (
createdDate &&
/(Matched|Fulfilled|Not picked up)/.test(record.Status) &&
isSameDay(createdDate, reportDate)
) {
metrics.matchedToday += +record["# to feed"];
// Fulfilled today
if (
record.Status === "Fulfilled" &&
fulfilledDate &&
isSameDay(fulfilledDate, reportDate)
) {
metrics.fulfilledToday += +record["# to feed"];
// Fulfilled Total
if (record.Status === "Fulfilled" && fulfilledDate) {
metrics.fulfilledTotal += +record["# to feed"];