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Duplicating an automation

  • May 30, 2023
  • 1 reply


I use Airtable to run a monthly market.

Every month I copy a base table and just change the name to May, June, July etc. I use automations to add new stallholder details from my applications table into that month’s table.

My issue is that I can’t duplicate the original automation to send the info to the new table. Every month I have to build this automation again. Nothing is changed, all the fields are the same. I am just sending it to a differently named table that is exactly the same as the original one.

 It’s a bit frustrating. What am I doing wrong?

1 reply


Automation uses field id, which is unique despite fields have similar name.
It's hard to give a hint without understanding how and why you are copying table, but to prevent creating automation again, maybe you can, for example, consider staying on the same table, moving historical data to the copied table.
Indeed, in scenario like yours, when you need to run the same automation for different tables, often that means these tables contain data that should exist in a single table with multiple views. But sometimes you have a reason to divide it.
