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JSON Export App/Block

  • February 3, 2021
  • 1 reply

I am looking to export data from my airtable into JSON format. I am working with a Firebase Application, and I want to be able to collect data in AirTable, export it, and then dump it into a Firebase JSON based Database.

Has anyone written a script/block/app that takes appdata and puts it into a JSON format?

Thank You

1 reply

  • Known Participant
  • 13 replies
  • December 13, 2022

If it's a one-time thing you can probably just run a curl command. 

I built Bracket to do this exact thing. You just have to input your Airtable API key and connect it to your Firebase. It handles syncs in either direction too. So sending data to Firebase in JSON format or sending data in JSON from Firebase to a relational format in Airtable is possible

There's also features that you can customize. If you only want to sync certain fields in two directions and make other fields read-only in Airtable, or if you want to write queries to make the data you pull into Airtable very customizable, then that's all possible!
