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Uniclass Sorting

  • May 4, 2022
  • 1 reply


Newish to Airtable, sorry.

I am trying to sort a table that consists of all of the ISO 19650 Uniclass codes, links below:

The top level includes 12 tables.

Each of these breaks down into Groups, Sub-groups, Sections, and Objects.

The tables have no entry for Groups, Sub-groups, Sections, and Objects.

The Groups have no entry for Sub-groups, Sections, and Objects.


In the dataset there are multiple items with the same Group number for different tables, etc.

I would like to reorganize it so that so that each Group has a unique identifier, possibly the titie.

Would this best be achieved with a junction table?

So I did it manually but it was pretty easy.

Filter out tables, copy, paste into new table

Filter out Groups, copy, paste into new table and link to Tables

Filter out Sub-groups, copy, paste into new table and link to Groups

Then link all Objects to Sub Groups and lookup rest of fields
