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Mobile Interface Delete Confirmation

  • February 12, 2025
  • 1 reply


I notice that while i have a confirmation enabled on the computer for the delete button on an expanded record in the interface, I do not have to confirm to delete from mobile which has been risky for my team as we use our mobile devices frequently in the field and its easy to accidentally hit that big red button. There is also no way to undo on mobile if you miss the brief "undo" float message. Am I missing something?


It would also be nice to have a delete confirmation feature when add/delete records in line is enabled for calendar, list, kanban views, etc. on an interface. I want my team to be able to click the calendar to easily add tasks to a certain date without filling out a form for each but I don't want them to accidentally delete records either.


Wow, it seems like Airtable didn't add that into the mobile interface functionality, either intentionally or accidentally. You may want to email to ask them to please include this feature in the mobile app.

- ScottWorld, Expert Airtable Consultant
