Hello! TIA for any help! I'm creating a base for Donor Management and have run into a challenge. I'm building an interface for Fundraising Campaign tracking. The main Interface is a Record View layout. Potential donors are loaded into a table and then viewed via this Interface. When you click on a potential donor, it loads their contact information and the tracking data below it, as you can see in this screenshot. *I've removed the sensitive data!
Because the potential donors are linked into the campaigns, all their contact information is not editable in this Interface. I'm generally okay with that, but I'd like to include a button that would let users open a donor's page for editing, possibly using the Contacts Interface you can see in the menu bar at the top. Is there a way to create a link that would somehow take the ID of a linked record from the current Interface and pass it to the Contacts Interface on loading?
Thanks again for any help!