Hi Everyone,
I have base called PROJECTS with two tables:
1. "Sync" that syncs all the values from another base called CLIENT MASTER.
2. "Projects" which is a list of projects. Each record in "Project" can only have one client.
When a new record is created in the "Project" table, the user selects a linked client record from "Sync" then there are lookup fields that auto-populate with fields like Account Executive, Partner, and other client information.
So far that works just fine.
I have created an interface with a list of records from the "Project" table. I want to set a filter on the interface so that the only records displayed for the user are the ones where "Account Executive"= Current User.
However, when I create the filter, "Current User" is not an option. Strangely, when I create another test field in the Projects table called "Test User" (User field type), I AM able to use that field as a filter and "Current User" is an option.
Is the trouble I am having because I am trying to filter the interface by a Lookup value?
Any suggestions on how I can achieve a filter so that Account Executives using the Projects interface only see the projects they are assigned to?