How to link tables, but to include info in form of linked variants to choose from?
Here is the deal. We sell cars. And need Airtable as a database to synch to our website. Our team members add cars to the database.
The question is:
How to make dropdowns in columns from linked tables, so they would “know” the previous column and provide an option to choose from a specific number of variants?
Here is an example:
We want to add a car. It has a lot variables, some of which are: “car maker”, “model” and “specification”.
I would like to have a columns dedicated to each variable.
But so if for example I choose “car maker” Mercedes-Benz, in the next “model” column I would get only Mercedes-Benz’s models, and after I choose, for example “S-class”, in the next column, “specifications” I would only be able to choose from that model’s specifications?
How can I achieve that? Spent too much time trying to solve that problem
Thank you!