I want to analyze communications between different users and need a way to combine different contact methods into a single identifier. I have a sheet that lists all the different contact methods for a single person (email, slack, phone), but not a way to link that to the sheet that keeps track of communication.
I found a solution to this problem in Google sheets after asking the question on stackoverflow. Here’s a link to the sheet, which resembles the airtable i’m using (the formula answer is in C2)
How would I do something similar in airtable? Keep in mind that i’ll have many many contacts and several different types of contact methods (slack user names, real names, emails, phone number etc).
Part of the challenge is that a phone number, slack user name or email is all in the same column. In previous forum questions, Zapier was suggested as an answer, but given the complexity of different users and contact methods, that might be too cumbersome.
Thanks and let me know if i can make the question more clear