I am trying to make a quote builder in an “opportunity table”
The way I do it is I mark a company/contact (in their respective tables) as “in progress” and a record gets created in another table (called Opportunities).
in there I link to a products table and delivery table (the products are ad spaces, the delivery are the publications/issues) and then I add lookup fields and counting fields to make one quote. I have made 4 copies of this to be able to put together multiple offers for the client to chose from.
After filling out fields, I would like to be able to click a button for the quotes to aggregate to a pdf (or straight into the body of the e-mail) and sends it to the contact.
I know there’s a solution similar to this for contracts that requires two other apps (zapier and helloSign) but I’m wondering if there’s a way of doing this without the extra apps.