Use case: RSVP form linked to individual attendees’ Airtable records created in a separate table. Each record pertains to a unique person. I’d like the RSVP form to automatically link to the original record.
I’m working with two tables, ‘Anchor Table’ which contains hundreds of records related to individuals not involved in this use case and dozens of fields including private information, and ‘RSVP Table’ which is for the purpose of organizing an event where specific attendees’ are involved.
I’ve created a filtered view for pertinent attendees’ and hidden all unrelated fields in Anchor Table and linked these records in RSVP table.
When I create a form in RSVP table using the Linked Record field as a drop down, the preview in the selection shows thumbnails of attachment fields in the record that are hidden from the Anchor Table view.
How can I change the fields in the form selection field to hide this?