Hi all, please help put me out of my misery.
I have a database to organise film shoots.
I have three tables: scenes, dates and kit
Each entry in the scenes table links to an entry in the dates table (the date we’ll shoot that scene), and may or may not link to a number of items in the kit table, indicating whether that scene requires specialist kit (cranes, drones etc).
I am trying to make a field in the dates table that summarises what kit is required for that day.
When I make this a rollup pointed at the scenes table, kit field, it pulls through all the entries correctly but obviously as there can be many scenes scheduled for a particular day, each of which might require the same bits of kit, I get a lot of duplicates.
No matter what combination of ARRAYUNIQUE, ARRAYFLATTEN, ARRAYCOMPACT etc etc I try I can’t get the rollup to show only unique items.
To be clear what I’m after is that if a particular date has four scenes and two require a drone and one requires a crane, I want the rollup field to produce Drone, Crane.
What I’m currently getting is Drone, Drone, Crane.
I tried making all the kit entries with no spaces as read in the forums that made a difference but didn’t help here.
Any suggestions gratefully accepted!