Hey everyone! I am a super new user so I apologize if these questions have been asked before (did search but… you never know! ^_^)
I am making a form for furniture removal requests and I am wondering if I can do the following things
automatically fill in date column with the date the form is submitted
auto-generate a case/tracking # in the case column-- ideally id like it be a concatenation of the year and month, and a count of items (so the first item would be something like 0820_0001 or 0820_1 … whatever’s easier)… i’d be happy if it was just a raw count though.
I’d like to have a category drop down menu (which I’ve successfully created), but I’d like to add a last category called ‘other’ that would let the user fill in their own category
Similarly. I’d like the user to be able to enter the item type (office chair, file cabinet), but ideally I would love it if the form could offer other values from that column as suggestions, as to not end up with a bunch of overlapping categories, but still allow user freedom
… so like if someone types ‘chair’ and the column already has ‘task chair’, ‘office chair’, ‘chair’ ‘stacking chair’ those would all be offered as a drop down selection but the user could still type in ‘waiting room chair’ if they wanted to. Then, next time ‘waiting room chair’ would be offered in addition to the other values if the next user types ‘chair’
- finally I’d really like users to be able to enter their info (name, dept, phone number) just once, but then ‘add items’, which would replicate the item specific info (item category, condition, etc). So the form would start off with their info (name number etc) and then the info for one item (location, condition, type of item, condition). at the end of the form the user can click ‘add item’ which generates the item specific info fields again (location condition type etc)… From the table view this would replicate the user’s info (name /number) for every row generated by each unique item. Does that make sense? Is this possible?
Thank you so much in advance!