Hello Airtable folks! I’m looking for advice on what is probably a much easier problem than I’m making it out to be.
Providence Student Union is going to (1) make membership cards for its youth participants, with QR codes, and (2) print all the QR codes and names in a notebook. The idea is that when students attend a meeting, we want to:
- Scan multiple codes, either the cards themselves or out of the book
- Connect the code to “Student Name” record in a “Student” table
- Add all the student names to a lookup field in a single event record in an “Attendance” table.
The issue we’re having is that Airtable iOS only scans one barcode at a time. And there don’t seem to be any obviously available barcode scan solutions for IFTTT or Zapier.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to convert multiple QR scans into records, and then link those to a single event record? Thank you!