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Answer Form without data collection

Hi Airtable Community!

I’m in charge of an impact assessment program and Airtable is a great tool for collecting and managing the beneficiaries data. The only problem that I’m facing is that we are active in many regions of Tanzania, where the connection is not great or not present.

I was wondering if there is a way to collect data via a cell phone and then send it to airtable once the connection is available. Can the Airtable app do that?

In the past we have used a survey app called Kobotools to do that, and it is possible through a webhook to send data in Airtable (at the moment I’m using Make to automate the integration). But it would be great if it would be possible to do that directly in Airtable, in order to have a perfect match between the beneficiaries data collected for the baseline at the entry to the program and the midline and endline data collected throughout the participation to the program of the beneficiaries.

If I use Kobotools for the midline and endline, the data collectors need to input the name of the beneficiaries correctly, otherwise the association with the data in Airtable is not possible and a new record is created instead. If they collect the data directly in airtable, they can select the name of the student from the database and fill the surveys.

So do you know of any possible way to do that in environment where the data connection is patchy?

Many thanks,

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