Hi everyone!
I am trying to find the right approach to calculate the number of consecutive unattended days at course by a same student.
I currently have a "participation" table. It is a junction table with: The date (date field) - The Student (link record)- The Class (link record) - Attendance (Yes / No)
Every single day the teacher has the ability to say wether a student attended or not his class.
01/March/2023 - John - English lesson - Yes ✅
02/March/2023 - John - English lesson - No ❌
03/March/2023 - John - English lesson - No ❌
04/March/2023 - John - English lesson - Yes ✅
etc. etc.
I wish to calculate the total of NON attended consecutive days by a student every month for his course.
Example above, the answer would be 2.
Thank you for your help!