Dear Airtable,
The last 24 hours as your paying clients were just awful.
After upgrading our plan to Team and successfully paying for your service, the upgrade was correctly reflected in our workspace feature summary which shows 4,466 of 50,000 records, and 0 GB for all the other indicators. Despite that, the base has remained limited since our payment causing us major business impact and problems of all sorts with our web application.
What is worse - and it is frankly upsetting for customer - is the astonishing support that has been provided so far. I made sure to describe the situation clearly in a ticket yesterday (00743786). I did receive one reply from a support agent. The reply appears to be a simple copy-paste that is not related to the questions, a practice which honestly should require Airtable's investigation. Your clients pay for your service, they expect a reasonable level of support.
Since then, there was full silence from your team despite me attempting to reach out to you via separate tickets. You can definitely do better.
I see many other users reported the same problem throughout the years and, ironically enough, you have marked all those conversations as "solved" (well, you haven't solved any it seems). Is this the best I can expect as a paying customer?
Appreciate your reply.
Aniello Verde