We used to have all of our employees invited to each base as a user rather than the workspace because we had some bases with sensitive info. We've now moved the sensitive bases to a new workspace and invited all of our employees to the workspace so they have access to everything. However, when we go under Account > Base Collaborators it still shows all of the individual bases that they were originally added to. For managing access it's much nicer to just see who has access to the whole workspace and who has access to only some individual bases as we still have some people that only need base access.
It seems the only way to clean this up would be to remove the workspace access, then painfully remove access for each individual on each of the probably over 100 bases we have, then re-grant access to the workspace. Is there any other way to fix this? To Airtable, suggestion that if someone goes from base access to the workspace access to clean up the view for us.