Hello! I found this post: Help tracking check in/out equipment for our small video studio using barcodes - and started to build our own equipment inventory check out/check-in system (thank you Ben.Young for creating this!).
I’m looking to expand this further to allow checking out of equipment bundles. Currently, our base has “Individual Equipment” and we’d like to have Equipment Bundles as an option as well. We’d like the option to either check out individual equipment or an equipment bundle (and every individual equipment within that equipment bundle would also be checked out and not available when that bundle is checked out but then available when that bundle is checked back in).
I started to try this on as a separate table but got stuck - would love any help with this! Here’s our current Airtable Base: https://airtable.com/shrEeKJCY9HBaYhKc (it’s a testing one for sharing on this forum).